It's been a WHILE, right? Well, at least I have a reason or two! That can be summed up in one joyous word: BUSY. I have been running around like a little cluckster with my head cut off. Where did this past month go?! No, no...where did this past year go!!??! It's November 3rd! The third day of November. 3 days into the second to last month of the year!

Love. Love love love!
I've always been draw to "Marie" from the Disney movie Aristocats and never knew they made a costume of her until this year! Meow :)Why hadn't I thought of that before?!
And mark my words, one year I will be Belle of Beauty and the Beast. I am a brunette. I love yellow. Match made in heaven.
Anywho, Halloween is over (sad face) and Turkey Day (plus a million other things) is only a few weeks away! I. Cannot. Believe. That. So...without further adieu, the official Sweet Southern Caroline event countdown:
3 days til my brother (and my baby cocker spaniel)'s birthday
15 days til Hearts on Fire in Gatlinburg
16 days til UT-Vandy game
21 days til Thanksgiving
23 days til my Premier Jewelry party hosted by my wonderful little FSIL
30 days til McMinnville Christmas parade (yay for getting to be in it again this year as Miss Country Sunshine!)
33 days until Christmas in the Park
37 days til Main Street McMinnville's 1940's "I'll Be Home for Christmas" event downtown
51 days til Christmas Eve
52 days til Christmas!
WHAT? Wait..what? 52 days til Christmas? No. Can't be.
Ok, it can. But really - where has 2011 gone?
After this year, it will be 2012 - then at this time next year I will be counting down the days til wedding time! (October 2013 say whaaat)
Now that I have those events listed, it doesn't seem like too awfully much, but then I am realizing...throw in school appearances, clinical observations, exams, shopping trips (for gifts, people!), appointments, prelims, more appearances, and all the day-to-day life stuff - it gets pretttty busy!
But...I like it that way :)
I had blogged a little earlier mentioning my Miss Tennessee photoshoot with the wonderful JHAAS Designs. Well, that too has come & gone and man, was I blown away! I had such an awesome day with Jeff, my mom, and one of my little sister queens and her mom, that day. We had so much fun! I am so thankful to have Jeffrey Haas as a Miss Country Sunshine Organization sponsor and for his wondeful photography. Here's a little preview of a complete one...
Can't wait to see the rest of them when they are done!
Have a wonderful rest of this week!