There's just no other way of putting it. I love Pinterest and I am proud of it. Pinning images is soooo find 1 picture you like, and that sparks another idea, so you type it in the search box to find it, then you've created a chain reaction. It's a vicious cycle. So while I'm on that little spill...
Some of my fave pinterest-esque photos...

So very true.

Halloween is coming up (even if it is only August, it IS getting closer, people!) and this makes me excited. I'm such a mom, and I'm not a mom. This kind of stuff excites me.

No words for this one. This kitchen is...out of this world.

I want this hanging in my home someday. Love.
Totally me :) I will never be letting go of my love for Diet Coke or Diet DP.
Soooo I know part of ya'll have probably stopped reading this mid-way through because you couldn't contain your excitement and you went to go get a Pinterest account, don't worry, I understand. But if you don't fall under that category...go. get. a. Pinterest. account. now.
Just don't blame me when you find yourself sitting at your computer in the wee hours of the night pinning. :)
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