This has proven to be a great Leap Day! (which occurs every 4 years, thankyouverymuch! Dinner discussion. Subject closed. P.S.: Yours truly was right :) )
So. Some exciting news. I got a call this morning at precisely 10:10 AM with the news that I have been chosen (out of 120 applicants) for an interview for Chattanooga State's Dental Hygiene program! To say I am proud is a definite understatement!
However, I don't want to get too ahead of myself. There will be one more cut after interviews to choose the final class and narrow it down to 20. My interview is March 12, and I would appreciate any prayers!
But...but... on that note, I did find a print I wouldn't mind putting in my office once I get a job in the profession :)

I've always been a fan of the "Keep Calm &..." prints. (I liked 'em BEFORE they were cool, people!) This one is too great for a dental hygienist or a dentist.
I need to take a moment to thank God. He has been way too good to me. I have been blessed so abundantly with things and moments and people that sometimes I wonder why I deserve. I just want to thank Him for everything, big and small, he does to teach me and make me a better person. I fail Him everyday, but I have faith I can grow and learn.
Did any of you have a chance to stop by IHOP yesterday for National Pancake Day and get free pancakes?! I hope you did! All donations accepted yesterday went to benefit the Children's Miracle Network. Free pancakes + donated funds = Happy people eating syrupy goodness while supporting an awesome charity. Hello! Sugar...helping kids...that's A-ok in my book!
This week is NEDAwareness Week and I am loving it! Visiting schools to educate on the reality of eating disorders and their prevalence is something I can say that I am really proud of. I'll have to save that for another post!
xoxo - C
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