I need to apologize. Forgive me for having taken a prolonged hiatus from my "Weekly Gratitude" feature. That was (and still is) one thing that produces that "warm, fuzzy" feeling inside after I complete a post. So without further adieu...
This week I am thankful for:
1. Seeing Amy after she got home from her doctor in Nashville last night. Praise God for a good report and keep praying for her healing!
2. Plans to see my girls on Friday night. Miss their sweet cheeks so much.
3. Completing my Miss Tennessee paperwork! Getting it in the mail tomorrow! Can I get a whoop whoop?
4. Finishing the last few seconds of my Miss Tennessee dance routine. Thank the Lord for Krista Kent! Now...to polish it!
5. My precious momma for going shopping with me yesterday.
6. Jason's Deli. 'Nough said.
7. Ty for sending me an emoticon bird flapping its wings in a text message this morning.
Now! Much better. I'd like to keep this a weekly routine....but don't hold it against me if I skip a few! Girl's got a lot on her mind, ya'll!

And this post wouldn't be complete without acknowledging that today is... are you ready for this?!??! Today is...NATIONAL CEREAL DAY. That pretty much translates to National Caroline's Favorite Food on Earth Day. (Cheerios, yes please.) I would say I was going to celebrate, but, um...it's kinda not celebrating if you celebrate everyday regardless. :) Guilty!
xoxo- C
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