Anywho, isn't it supposed to know...cold outside? It feels like straight up SPRING! And the little groundhog man ole P-tawney Phil said there's going to be 6 more wks of winter! And by "winter", I assume he means spring. It's all throwing me off. The last 2 days, I have come out of the gym wearing a short sleeve shirt and either shorts or capris. What's up with that?

February also means that it is the month that includes NEDAwareness Week. If ya'll don't know already, I am Miss Country Sunshine 2012 and will be representing my hometown at Miss Tennessee this June. (Sorry for those of you that have had to hear this 73298 times :) ) My chosen platform is Eating Disorder Education and Awareness. I can't wait to get involved with NEDAwareness Week and really get into the schools and classrooms to educate and inform teens, preteens, and children on this disease. is a disease, not a lifestyle choice. So many people do not realize that.
The NEDA website,, is an AWESOME resource for anyone who wants to get involved, so be sure to hop on over there!
I have recently read about a new prayer strategy that I am anxious to try. It is called the "SOAP" method. Soap? Yep, soap! SOAP stands for "Scripture, Observation, Application, & Prayer." This is from the SOAP Study website...
"It's quite simple. When you sit for your daily quiet time read the bible as you
normally would with one simple difference. Underline or make note of any verses
that jump out at you with special significance. This is the basis for diving
deeper and using S.O.A.P."
So here is an example of how a SOAP entry might look...
Thurs., May 8 - John 15:1-8
S This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples. O Disciple is not a title you just get. A disciple is a person who is known by his or her actions. Actually, it’s not the action he is does, but it’s the results or fruit of his actions that make him a disciple. Not the flurry of activity. This fruit is a byproduct of a connection to God. It’s God’s activity through our work that produces fruit. Our job is to remain connected to his power and ability as we obey him.
A I must stay close and connected to Christ so that as I follow his commands he might make my efforts fruitful.
P Father, help me to be fruitful. Help me to see the fruitfulness of my life.
Simple enough, right? I think it would be a great feeling to have a whole journal filled with this type of prayer. I'm big on categorizing and writing anyway, so this combines them both! It will be great to know I can flip through verses and get a corresponding personal prayer.
Pray for me, guys!
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