The day after Valentine's day. Bah. Being the seasonal and holiday-loving creature that I am, I can't help but feel a little blank now that Sweethearts Day is over. Buuuut - next up, Momma's birthday...then St. Patty's...then Daddy's bday...then Easter! It's only a few weeks shy of spring, ya'll!
I thought I would pop in for a quick post on Valentine's Day before I submerge myself into the depths of my Microbiology book. (cue confetti throwing)

Ty & I spent our 1st Engagement Anniversary (Feb. 11) in Nashville at a really cool restaurant called Bound'ry. It was definitely something different and unusual. Our date was complete with nice linens, a leather-bound menu book, and great atmosphere. We even splurged and ordered dessert. (something we never do, oddly...being the sugar loving one in the relationship!)
We ordered the King's Desire. Good, but different. Different, but good.
Come actual Valentine's Day Day and we had a nice little evening out at our local Mexican restaurant in town and afterwards paid a visit to our nieces at their house and enjoyed a Scooby Doo movie on the loveseat :) Perfect if you ask me. I also ended up getting an additional present (a facial & back massage) apart from the other two that Ty had given me 3 nights before! Am I one lucky girl or what? Gotta love it.

I made Ty some "special" cupcakes, and he loved that! I am (slowly but surely) gaining confidence in my domestic abilities. :) I also got him a little bag filled with odds & ends, a back massage (go figure :)), and a new quilt for his bed (note to self: don't do that again)! ;)
So there's my Cupid holiday wrap-up! I hope yours was filled with lots of X's and O's!
God bless!
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