Lace cut-out back dress from Victoria's Secret. Yum
Hope ya'll have a good Tuesday! xoxo-C
All photos courtesy of Nordstrom and Victoria's Secret.
For the groom's cake, Ty has mentioned he would like his precious grandmother to make his. She makes a to-die-for coconut cake, which would be great for a spring or summer affair, but in October...it doesn't seem very seasonal, ha! I personally could totally see him having a cool little "golf-themed" grooms cake, or maybe a UTor P hilidephia Eagles one. Who knows! We'll cross that bridge when we come to it! :)
Happy Hump Day! xoxo-C
Photos courtesy of The Knot and Pinterest
Totally me :) I will never be letting go of my love for Diet Coke or Diet DP.
Soooo I know part of ya'll have probably stopped reading this mid-way through because you couldn't contain your excitement and you went to go get a Pinterest account, don't worry, I understand. But if you don't fall under that category...go. get. a. Pinterest. account. now.
Just don't blame me when you find yourself sitting at your computer in the wee hours of the night pinning. :)
This is a photo from the night of the pageant. I am so blessed to have this amazing opportunity. It's going to be a whirlwind of a year, but I know, with God, I can have peace! Many people do not understand what time and dedication goes into preparing for a MAO (Miss America Organization) pageant, so I hope to give you all a glimpse into that side of things!
I will be busy throughout the year with appearances in local schools, promoting my platform (which I love) "Eating Disorder Education & Awareness." I am really hoping to get the word out regarding my platform to all age groups and people of my community. Did you know 4 out of 10 people know someone that has been affected by an ED or has been affected themselves?