...Easter's on its way! Can you believe its nearly April? I have to be honest. Spring usually isn't my favorite season (fall steals my heart), but this weather has been fab! I have loved being able to go for a jog outside and not freeze or sweat like a oinkster. 
Southern Easters are the best. How can you not get excited thinking about seersucker, warm weather, pastel colors, family meals, and Easter morning service? I have so many memories of Mom making sure we always allowed enough time on Easter Sunday morning before church for lots and lots of photos of us in our Easter outfits. (And of course, opening Easter baskets that morning from Peter Cottontail!)

Easter just wasn't complete without a new Strausburg lace dress or hand-smocked bishop dress. Nanny usually hand-made mine, bless her soul. It was always so special. I can't wait to dress my kiddos up in their Easter duds in the future. They have some great looking little jon-jons for little boys now, too (that aren't too girly)! Call me a sucker for seasonal stuff! I can't go to Walmart or Target around any holiday without getting at least a couple little holiday-themed lovies.
Easter wouldn't be complete without getting sucked into the aisles and aisles of pastel-colored candy eggs, chocolate bunnies, or jellybeans. I'm not much of a candy person, but if I were going to choose one type of Easter candy it would be those adorable little Sweetarts chicks, ducks, & bunnies. They are just too much! So cute.

I curse Kendra Foutch (love you) for ever introducing them to me. :)
Now, this is not to say that this special, springy time of year is all about sweet light colors, confectionary eggs, and a big bunny who hides eggs. The real reason Easter is so special is because of our Lord, Jesus Christ & his Resurrection! That church service on Easter morning is always one that I look forward to each year. Plus, our preacher looks so cute in orchid :)
Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" Romans 10:8-9
