I have heard from many DH professionals and academic advisors that Chatt State is one of the best DH programs in Tennessee. As I visited the facility today, I was so impressed by the warmth of the staff and the state-of-the-art clinics. Amazing. If I am going to spend my 2 years in a DH speciality program somewhere, I sure want it to be there!
Chattanooga is about an hour to an hour and a half drive from my house, so it's not exactly just a "hop skip & a jump" trip. This being said, I will probably end up having to get an apartment for my 2 years there. Commuting would just be too much. Plus a whole lotta gas. But we will see...gotta make sure I get in first! (I think my stomach just sank again...oh this will be a nerve-wracking next few months!)
Now that I'm thinking of it, there is so much coming up in the next little bit! Preparing my application and documents for DH program, clinical observations, making sure I kick some MAJOR butt in A&P 1&2, fulfilling my duties as Miss Country Sunshine, promoting my platform, attending local prelims, making appearances, as well as making time for essential family time, Miss TN headshot photoshoot, a pageant to emcee, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, finals, work...WHEW, this list is way beyond crazy already! Not to mention throwing in studying and workouts and all the usual day-to-day routines!
So as I am ranting and all this lovely mumbo-jumbo, I have to remember to stay focused, stay determined, stay sane. God will get me through it. It's all in His plan. We have to trust that!
I hope this post hasn't stressed anyone out too badly (ha!) Ya'll have a wonderful FALL weekend! :)
OH! Can't leave this out - thought it was extra fun for us belles ;)

I apologize for not being able to make it bigger/clearer. Try clicking on it!
P.S. Did I mention fall break starts for me today? I can't complain, even if it IS only 2 days! (...that will be spent studying, I might add!) :P