Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to the grind...

It's that time of year again...back to school! The only exciting things about that are: A) New school supplies. (Why are notebooks so exciting?!) B) One step closer to Dental Hygiene school, and (in turn) one step closer to Tyler and I starting our lives together. We have a deal that we are both going to finish school before we tie the knot, which is quite wise, if I do say so myself :)

Anyway, in regard to the photo above, that would be my oh-so-beautiful stack on notes that I've printed out for my A&P class. Did I mention it's only the second day of class? Yeah, it is. And we have a test next week. HELLLOOO excel A&P class! This is going to be a VERY fast-paced semester because this class is basically 2 semesters smooshed into 1. A&P 1 and A&P 2 in uno semester. I can do this. I can do this. I can doooooo this. (with prayer...and caffeine)

I forgot how much I loathe buying textbooks. However, I did get a pretty good deal on mine through eBay. Hopefully (fingers crossed!) it will be here tomorrow or Thursday. I'm about to have a panic attack not having my book yet in this class, but I always like to make sure I'm buying the right one and get the ok from the professor. Now the next step is buying the not-so-cheap CD for our "virtual cadaver dissection." Weeee...

On other note, I have been thinking a lot about beginning my journey into purchasing a few of my Miss TN dresses, so I won't have to buy 4,557 all at once. Kidding...only about 8-9.
Love this simple wrap dress from BCBG Max & Cleo
Lace cut-out back dress from Victoria's Secret. Yum

Hope ya'll have a good Tuesday! xoxo-C

All photos courtesy of Nordstrom and Victoria's Secret.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

The weekend is nearing and that means it's time for Weekly Gratitude! Without further adieu...

This week, I am grateful for:

1. Beautiful Southern views. This was taken at Collins River Golfcourse on Tuesday around dusk. Absolutely gorgeous.

2. Greek yogurt. I look forward to my little mid-morning snack each day :)

3. A healthy family, and healthy friends. Lately, I've been hearing terrible stories of mothers, close friends, etc. finding tumors or going through rough patches in their lives. I don't know what I have done to have been blessed so richly by God, but I am so beyond thankful for that and also for the health and wellbeing of the ones I love. Never take anything for granted. Rejoice in the fact that your body can move and your brain can think. It's the small things.

4. Victoria's Secret "free item" coupons. YES! Yes.

I hope everyone has had a great week! Tomorrow evening, I am off to attend Miss Music City/Capital City to see two lovely women be crowned to earn their way to Miss TN! I can't wait to meet them. Good luck, girls! & I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wedding Wednesday - Cakes

Today is going to be a short-ish post, consisting mostly of pictures. Now ya'll know I like to bake, so, naturally, wedding cakes (and confections in general) excite me. Don't tell Ty, but I already have the cake stand for our wedding :) - along with some fabric for table runners, sashes, etc., - plus 2 beverage canisters. Who cares if it's 1 1/2-2 years away? I like to plan! :) Anywho, here are a few of my cake ideas/picks in all of their sugary beautiful glory...

This might be my favorite one! You can't tell much from this picture, but there are mini white dots all over.

This one is so cozy and rustic...definitely a fave, as well.

Very classic and soft. Maybe add an espresso brown letter C to the middle oval?

I love damask; that's all there is to it!

For the groom's cake, Ty has mentioned he would like his precious grandmother to make his. She makes a to-die-for coconut cake, which would be great for a spring or summer affair, but in October...it doesn't seem very seasonal, ha! I personally could totally see him having a cool little "golf-themed" grooms cake, or maybe a UTor P hilidephia Eagles one. Who knows! We'll cross that bridge when we come to it! :)

Happy Hump Day! xoxo-C

Photos courtesy of The Knot and Pinterest

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Musings

1. It's 13 days til my birthday, ya'llllll.
2. It's also one week til fall semester starts. Wah wah wah.

3. I love little kids. I made my first "official" school appearance today as Miss Country Sunshine and I had a ball! Upon entering one classroom, I sat down in the storytime chair and was beginning to explain to the class my job as Miss Country Sunshine and why I was there. Mid-sentence, one little boy tells me, "Our teacher already told us this stuff, ya know..." I could have died!

4. I'm considering temporarily ending my relationship with Insanity (workout) to join a local gym, just to change things up. Gotta keep it fresh.

5. I love Reagan the cocker spaniel and Samson the huskie more and more each day. God bless those little furry canines :) I can swear to you they speak through their little eyes!

6. More people need to embrace dirty hair. I don't wash my hair everyday and I'm PROUD of it! I'll take 2-or-3-day old dirty hair over freshly washed hair anyday, thank you. Don't hate, appreciate.

7. Deuteronomy 31:6

All images courtesy of Pinterest.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I love Pinterest.

There's just no other way of putting it. I love Pinterest and I am proud of it. Pinning images is soooo addictive...you find 1 picture you like, and that sparks another idea, so you type it in the search box to find it, then you've created a chain reaction. It's a vicious cycle. So while I'm on that little spill...

Some of my fave pinterest-esque photos...

So very true.

Halloween is coming up (even if it is only August, it IS getting closer, people!) and this makes me excited. I'm such a mom, and I'm not a mom. This kind of stuff excites me.
No words for this one. This kitchen is...out of this world.I want this hanging in my home someday. Love.

Totally me :) I will never be letting go of my love for Diet Coke or Diet DP.

Soooo I know part of ya'll have probably stopped reading this mid-way through because you couldn't contain your excitement and you went to go get a Pinterest account, don't worry, I understand. But if you don't fall under that category...go. get. a. Pinterest. account. now.

Just don't blame me when you find yourself sitting at your computer in the wee hours of the night pinning. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is this real life?

& I say that in the words of the famous "David After The Dentist." (props to you, David!) So, many of you probably know by now I had been preparing for my very first Miss Tennessee America preliminary on Aug. 13th. Well! Looks like the work paid off, I am now Miss Country Sunshine 2012! This means I am going to Jackson in June 2012 to represent my amazing town/county in the Miss Tennessee Scholarship Pageant! WOW is not a strong enough word!

This is a photo from the night of the pageant. I am so blessed to have this amazing opportunity. It's going to be a whirlwind of a year, but I know, with God, I can have peace! Many people do not understand what time and dedication goes into preparing for a MAO (Miss America Organization) pageant, so I hope to give you all a glimpse into that side of things!

I will be busy throughout the year with appearances in local schools, promoting my platform (which I love) "Eating Disorder Education & Awareness." I am really hoping to get the word out regarding my platform to all age groups and people of my community. Did you know 4 out of 10 people know someone that has been affected by an ED or has been affected themselves?

Have a great Tuesday, everyone! xoxox