So recently I came across a huge bulletin board calendar that was dedicated solely to "fun" national days & such. Strangely intrigued, I spent a minute gazing at the board, amazed that someone had taken such care to compile such an extensive list. I have to admit. It was really fun to look at. Of the many "holidays" listed, I took note of a few that stood out to me.
For instance, many people likely already know that April is Autism Awareness Month or that the Sunday of April 8th marked Easter...but did you know that April is:
For instance, many people likely already know that April is Autism Awareness Month or that the Sunday of April 8th marked Easter...but did you know that April is:

National Decorating Month?
Grilled Cheese Month?
Pet First Aid Awareness Month?
National Card & Letter Writing Month?
By the way, tomorrow is National Stress Awareness Day - so be sure to grab a cushy stress ball & get the word out!
Perhaps my favorite on said calendar was the mention of Hug Your Plumber Day on the 25th. Gee, thanks for enlightening me. I'll be sure to call ol' Petey up...
Who in the world thinks of this kind of stuff? And what do I need to do to get their job?
Think of all the options...National I Love Glitter Day, Worldwide Stay Home and Build Your Pinterest Board Day, National Let's Pretend Sugar is Good for You Day, International Thank a Caroline Day... ;)

However, one thing is for sure. It is April 16th and that means it's 62 days til Miss TN. Crunch time. That is all!
xoxo- C
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