So....I haven't blogged since November. And I'm really behind. And I feel like I don't even know where to start as far as covering a nearly 3-month span goes. And I only have 1 week left of Christmas break, which means life will be picking up even more speed (which is, honestly, a little overwhelming to think about). By the way, MISS TENNESSEE IS IN 5(-ish) MONTHS!!!!!
...K, freakout=over.
Anyway, it's January. It's 2012. A new year. People have asked me lately what my resolution is for this year. You wanna know what it is?
Here it is....
You ready?
Ok now, before you start jumping to any conclusions, this does not mean I plan to sit and twiddle my thumbs all year long. What I mean by no New Year's resolution is this: I think, as a person (and as a Christian, sister, daughter, fiance, friend, titleholder, and all other job titles that fit in), I need to have goals set for myself each day. Not just one day of the year. It's like setting yourself up for failure.

Ya'll probably know I'm big on to-do lists. (by the way that's not my to-do list) I make at least one list per day, if not more. Something about writing something down on a piece of paper makes it that much more real and concrete. Which, in turn, makes me more likely to follow through with it. So, my theory is: make a "to-do list" everyday. My to-do lists usually don't consist of JUST tasks and chores. I speak my own language. Sometimes I find myself writing down "consider your options on purchasing ____'s birthday gift" or "decide what your workout plan is for tomorrow." That way, I'm already planning for my goals in the next day or so. Sounds complicated, maybe it is...maybe it's not. But, it works for me.
Now this is what works for ME ya'll. That's why I don't do New Year's resolutions. Why commit goals and ideas to just ONE day? Why not do it every day?
I'll leave ya'll with some pictures of this past holiday season. It didn't just fly by, it ZOOMED by on some kind of futuristic unfathomable jet. Where did my beloved Christmas go?!?!

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