Thursday, July 14, 2011

Growing up Southern is a Privilege, Really...

One of my favorite quotes, of all time. I love the South; I would never ever live any where else. Something about that courteous nod or wave you get driving down the road, lightning bugs in the summer, the pride we have in our UT Vols (win OR lose, we are fairweather fans!), sit-down home-cooked meals with family, the amazing fall scenery, our Southern "drawl" (I was called out on that on vacation, go figure), the importance of a love for God, family, & friends, so much more... (OH, and I must always seems the southern states go farther in Miss America and Miss USA - can I get an AMEN?!) :) Heather Whitestone, one of my favorite Miss Americas, came from Birmingham, AL (does NOT in anyway mean I am an AL fan!) If ya'll haven't heard of her, she was the first deaf Miss America! I was only 3 when she was crowned, but she has always stood out so much to me.

Perfect example of some Southern hospitality-I was out jogging this morning, and encountered firsthand examples: small talk with a passing walker, a nod from an older firefighter working on the pipes, and of course - that TN summer HEAT! Fortunately, I got my 3 miles in without dying. I had some errands to run afterward, and the cashier at the store bid me farewell with a hospitable "Now you take care, hun! It's hot out there!" Love. It.

Anywhooo - some of our favorite celebrities came from the South : Reese Witherspoon, good ole Dolly Parton, Oprah Winfrey, Paula Deen, Billy Ray & Miley Cyrus, Usher, Kenny Chesney, Cybill Sheperd, and Morgan Freeman - just to name a few.

When Ty & I were in OH visiting family, we were often referred to as "hilbillies" & "rednecks" (sends chills down my spine). That's alright, I still love ya'll...BUT...WEEOWEEOWEEO - Red alert: There is a difference between Southern & Redneck. Big ginormous super huge tremendous difference. I won't go into that; I don't feel like offending anyone! ;)

Alright, I'm stepping off my soapbox now. Have a good day, God bless!

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